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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Last night Ryan said he needed some help with his homework so I went upstairs to his room and sat at the desk with him. The last thing was to write a sentence about his favorite holiday. And much to my amazement here is what he wrote: I love Christmas because it is the birth of Jesus. Can you believe that?! Nothing about getting presents or toys (of course he does love that part!) I was just so proud of him. It made me happy that he realized what the true meaning of Christmas is. The last 2 years we have really been trying to teach the boys that Christmas IS NOT all about getting gifts, but we are celebrating the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I want them to know that from an early age, 'cause when I was growing up it was all about ME and how much stuff was I gonna get under the tree...Every Christmas we actually sing 'happy birthday to Jesus' so they understand it's kinda like a birthday party for Him. It's easy to get caught up in all the other things and if your anything like me- you get really stressed out about money and gifts and what am I gonna get for this person?! Sunday night at church someone said that they take a bunch of their kids old toys before Christmas and give them to charity, to make room for the new stuff. I think I will do that, too. Actually that sounds kinda bad? I just want to do something good- and to show my boys that Christmas is more about GIVING- not getting...After all, God gave all of us the greatest gift of all that Christmas Day.


Blogger Sandy said...

You know, I too am proud of my Noah. I ask him every day who loves him. He always answers first - God. Then, I ask him who he loves and he always answers first - God. Then, I sometimes ask him who he loves the most and who loves him the most. Guess what his answer is?? Yep, God. Sweet innocent Noah. I love that he is learning at an early age.

He is so selfless too. I told him that he picked Mason's name for Christmas this year and that he gets to pick out a gift for him. He told me thank you. ??? And on his Christmas list, he asks for things that he wants, naturally but he also asks for things such as a new living room sofa. (He heard me last year saying that I wanted new furniture.) How sweet!

Not too long ago, my mom's refrigerator broke. I told Noah about it and soon after he got his crayon and notebook. He asked me how to spell groceries. So, I told him. He then asked me how to spell fridge. What he did was so precious. He made a grocery list for me. We needed a new refrigerator and that was the sole item on our "grocery list." He is such a caring little boy... How could I not be proud of him?

9:51 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

That is so sweet Carla. You guys are doing such a good job in raising your boys to love the Lord. That si what it is all about. Teach em when they are little, it is more likely to stick with them forever!

9:53 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

Mason loves giving gifts. He is usually more excited to give a gift than to receive one. He loves to see the expression on our faces when we open a gift that he picked out. I also tell him the Christmas story so that he knows what Christmas is all about. It is very sad to me that a lot of people don't know the true meaning of Christmas. I guess our job if to tell them! :)

10:47 AM  

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