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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are the things I am thankful for this holiday:

-My husband Jack, for being patient and understanding at all times. You are a wonderful husband & daddy. I love you so much!
-My children, they continue to bless me every single day! Truly gifts from God.
-Jesus-who loves me unconditionally even when I may not deserve His love.
-My parents-my mom is my very best friend, my dad who has taught me so many good values.
-my 2 brothers- I am so proud of you both!
-Mila-you are such a wonderful person. I'm so glad I know you.
-aunts,uncles,cousins,and grandmas,& in-laws-I will name them all... Granny, Donna & Stacy, Christy, Sarah, Jeremy, Ryeland, Wanda, Jeff, Shane, Brian, Warren, Grandma, Susan, Roger, Jordan, Randy, & Kyleigh,Andy, Taylor, Brad, Andee, Johnny, Chris, Shae, Reagan, Edna, & Larry. I love you all!
-my friends
-the flip flop club
-my husband's new friends
-my freedom
-my home
-my church family
-my health
-my children's health
-the Marine Corps
-my job (sahm)

There are many others, I will be sure to say thanks to God for all these blessings in my life...Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy Turkey Day!!!


Blogger Lori said...

I am thankful for you! Have a great Thanksgiving! Love ya!

10:54 AM  
Blogger Sandy said...

I second all that!

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo I made the list! I am Thankful for you too sweetie;)Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

11:04 AM  
Blogger The Upper Room said...

whoo hoo, I think that's how you say it in Tennesseean...Jack made the list...

1:26 PM  

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