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Thursday, June 07, 2007

An Update...

So I just thought I'd update everyone on the happenings of my life lately. Let's see, the boys finished out their ball season about 3 weeks ago. They both recieved a trophy and to be honest, Jack and I were glad it was over! No more practicing 4 nights a week and early saturday morning games. But it was alot of fun watching them play. It's amazing to see how much the kids improved from the first game to the last. I'll be looking forward to next year when they can do it again! Scott has already informed me he wants to play soccer in the fall and Ryan wants to do basketball again.

Memorial Day weekend we all went camping with my cousin Sarah, her husband and their 2 yr old Ryeland. We went to Durhamtown Plantation in Union Point, GA. It's pretty much like Disney World for people who love to ride ATV's . Sarah and Jeremy brought their camper, and there was a little restaurant there, tons of trails and tracks, and even a swiming hole. Ryan has a small dirt bike, and it was so fun watching him ride around the 'pee wee' track. We all had a blast! Ethan loves to ride the four wheeler with me and enjoyed playing with his cousin. Finally, a kid his own age to play with!

My neighbor and good friend Clarissa who lives across the street had her baby last wed. and I offered to keep her 2 kids during her hospital stay. Spenser is 10 and Chloe is 5, so when you combine them with my 3 little monkeys, it was like a zoo in here! Poor Jack would come home from work so tired and help me with the kids, he was so patient and understanding that I really wanted to do this favor for my friend. Her baby is so precious...his name is Easton and he weighed almost 9lbs. I absolutely love newborn babies- to me there is nothing more precious in the whole world. For a split second I almost got baby fever, then I quickly snapped back to reality when he started crying and needed a diaper change! :)

Sunday morning we woke up and Ethan had to be taken to the emergency room with pink eye...It is clearing up since we starting giving the antibiotic drops. Vacation Bible School started on sunday evening. Lori and I are leading the preschoolers (3,4,&5 yr olds). It has been alot of fun but a little stressful at times. I guess when you get a group of kids together it's not always going to be perfect. It is a blessing to see these kids learning all the songs and dancing, and really putting their heart into it. We do snack time, recreation, missions, bible study, and arts & crafts. Tonight is family night when all the parents will come to see what the kids have learned and awards and prizes will be given. I was so glad to be able to help out again this year and do my part. Also I have enjoyed spending time w/ Lori!

Only one more week and we will be leaving Beaufort. Our vacation starts on June 16th in Orlando, and let me tell you- this girl can't wait for vacation! We'll be going to Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, and probably Sea World again. The boys have been waiting for this since Christmas, and It's finally here! When that's over, we'll be going straight to Georgia to move into our new house! I am very excited to see what God has planned for our lives.


Blogger Sandy said...

I know that you have been super duper busy lately..... I honestly don't know how you do it all girl! I admire you for your sevotion to your children and your strength to keep on going all the time!

And as for you going on vacation.... I am so envious! I wish I could go too! And how big did you say your suitcase was? LOL!

I will definitely miss you when you leave. But it shall never be goodbye, just a "See you later!"

I am so glad to know you and Jack! You guys are amazing! I love you both to pieces!

11:10 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

This week has definitely had it's stressful moments but I truly believe that you and I were right where God needed us to be! I'm very thankful that VBS is only once a year because it's going to take me a year to recover! :)

Love you!

12:56 PM  

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