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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Just thought I'd update everyone on the happenings of my busy schedule and let you all know I do still aknowledge that I have a blog!!! My wonderful mom came up for a visit recently and we had a great time. It's always sad to see her go, though. I cried all the way from Savannah back to Beaufort when I dropped her off at the airport...The boys started baseball/tball about a month ago. We were spending 4 nights a week at the ball field and now it's only 2 nights a week which is so much better. It's such a blast watching their games! They're both doing great and loving the game. Ethan's 3rd bday is coming up on the 15th of April so right now I"m planning a small party for him! He is so excited about his birthday. I'm just a little sad that my 'baby' is turning 3 years old!!! Oh and in 2 weeks I'll be turning 27...but enough about that! Jack and I are loving the new young adult choir at church. At first I wasn't sure about it 'cause lord knows I am not the best singer. But I absolutely love it and get so much enjoyment out of it. We all have such a unique bond and I just look at it as this is my way of praising the good Lord! Oh I hosted a dinner at my house on St. Patricks Day for the flip flop club. We had such a blast and I can't wait 'til our next get together. I have the best friends a girl could ask for! So in a nutshell that's about it. Life is WONDERFUL right now, we're all healthy and completely blessed. Things get a little crazy sometimes- matter of fact, I just got finished trying to get a big wad of chewing gum out of Scotty's hair with peanut butter...but that's just a typical day of mommy hood when you stay home! I love you all whoever is reading this and I promise to blog more frequently from now on.


Blogger Sandy said...

Yay! You blogged! There for a while I thought I was the only one blogging... It's nice to know I'm not alone! Love ya!

10:13 PM  
Blogger The Upper Room said...

make sure you continue to blog, even when you guys move away...we'll miss you.

10:10 PM  

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