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Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well as you can see I changed the title of my blog! I have been wanting to do that for some time now, and I may change it again before it's all said and done. See, I'm the kind of person that loves change. UNLESS it comes to my family or home, I don't mind things getting changed around. In other words, the big stuff can stay the same; I don't want to move anywhere! We have moved enough! (6 times in 7 years!) But I won't buy the same brand of shampoo 2 times in a row, or much of anything else for that matter. Anyway my point is I get bored with the same thing for too long, so I switched the title of my blog! I think it is more fitting, because the more I grow both mentally and spiritually, the more I realize how truly blessed I am.


Blogger Lori said...

I like to chnage things a lot too! I like your new look and the title is vert appropriate! See you Saturday!

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it looks great! I especially love the new pictures. I have been so busy today going from one meeting to the next it seems like. But hey that's how it goes. This is the most writing I've done all day. I love you honey, the change is good.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Change is good...See how I turned out!

11:03 PM  

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