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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Last night was my 6th weigh-in at WW. I was dissappointed to have gained 1.2 lbs. But I feel extra motivated to lose weight this week! My goal for the week is 2-4 lbs. I think I can do it if I stick to my guns! Well, my hubby was gone all weekend to visit his dear friend Bernie up in Greenville (or Greenwood).Can't remember. Anyway I was so glad he got to go up there, he said it was a wonderful experience for everyone. We are all so happy that Bernie is back home! I had a very relaxing weekend at home with the kids. I got alot of much needed rest, and the rest of the time I got my house super extra clean- which makes me a very happy woman! We are so excited about Amy's costume party sat. night. I ordered mine on thurs. and it hasn't even been shipped yet! I am freakin' out that it's not gonna get here in time, so keep your fingers crossed... Well I have a conference w/ Ryan's teacher on friday- just about his progress. And last fri. I met w/ Scott's teacher. I was so happy to hear he is doing great in preschool, he is so smart and I am just super proud of all 3 of those little boys!


Blogger Sandy said...

Girly, you know you can lose those pounds! I am once again determined to get to my goal weight... I think since Bernie was gone I didn't care. I think that he was my motivation???? I have two little presents for whoever loses the most for next weeks weigh in.... Come on Carla, you can do it!

8:59 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Your boys are so smart and they have great manners by the way! you should be so proud.

9:54 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

You can lose those pounds... just remember... JOURNAL!

12:14 PM  

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